School Policies & Procedures

P771K Education with H.E.A.R.T.
School Policies and Procedures
Visiting P771K:
You will be provided time to visit your child’s classroom/site on the days of parent workshops at each site monthly. Open Houses will be for 15 minutes prior or after our monthly parent workshops. Parent workshops allow you to be informed on what is happening in the school and how you can use those practices in your home. We encourage home-school collaboration so your child can be successful and have consistency throughout their day. Please complete the parent survey which will be sent home in your child’s backpack and sent via e-mail, if applicable. It helps us understand your needs as parents.
There will also be two parent-teacher conferences-one in the Fall and one in the Spring. However, if you have a question about your child’s progress, do not hesitate to contact his/her teacher or related service providers.
- Check your child’s book bag/folder for school notices, flyers, and forms daily. You will be invited to attend several school-wide events such as the Dance Festival and the Best Practices Fair.
- You may contact your child’s site but please keep in mind teachers are in the classroom with their students and will have to return your call during a prep period.
- Check your child’s communication notebook daily.
- Check your e-mail regularly to be notified of upcoming events or important information by your child’s teacher. • Ask specific questions about your child’s school day.
- Attend meetings at the school and school events.
- Attend IEP reviews - come prepared to talk about your child’s academic goals as well as their social emotional development.
- If you need to set up a meeting with your child’s teacher, please contact the school and set up an agreed upon meeting time and date with the teacher and/or UT. This will allow for our staff to give you the attention that you deserve.
- In order to enter the building you must be vaccinated
Annual Reviews:
Each student receiving special education services must have their Individual Education Program (IEP) reviewed within one year of the date of their last IEP. Parents will receive notice of their child’s anticipated Annual Review meeting and are highly encouraged to make every effort to attend.
- At least once a year, you and other members of the Committee will review your child’s IEP. You may request a meeting sooner than that in writing.
- If translation is needed, please inform the school at least a week prior so arrangements can be made.
- At least once every three years, your child will be reevaluated. This is called a re-evaluation (formerly called the triennial evaluation). A reevaluation must be completed to determine your child’s individual needs, educational progress and achievement, your child’s ability to participate in regular education classes as well as your child’s continuing eligibility for special education services. You may decline a re-evaluation in writing, if you wish.
Request for Changes
- Any request made by the parent for changes in the student’s IEP must be made in writing and addressed to the School Based Support Team (SBST). These requests must state the change that is being requested as well as the reason for the request.
In order to make adequate progress and to be successful, students must attend school on a regular basis. A student may be absent for illness, emergencies, or for religious observance, but the goal is for every student to be in school every day. A student who has 90% attendance is missing one month of instruction. A student with less than 90% attendance is considered chronically absent.
- If your child is absent for three or more days, please inform both the school and the bus driver.
- If your child was seen by his/her pediatrician, you can provide a note to the office.
- Parents/Guardians will be notified by the school about upcoming half-days and holidays.
- Absences may be excused--but are not eliminated--for religious observance, or illness.
- Families are advised to schedule trips and vacations when school is not in session to minimize interruption in schoolwork that may impact academic progress.
- School office staff will reach out to you in regards to any absences, please ensure all contact information is up to date. You can reach out to the site and let them know the reason for your absence if you choose.
School Messenger
P771K uses school messenger as a way to communicate important information and events to our parents. On days that your student is absent you will also receive an automated phone call asking you to please call the school so that we can properly document the absence within the system.
Emergency Contacts/Blue Cards:
P771K must always have updated blue emergency cards for each child on file. This card is used as means of contacting you in the event of an emergency.
- The numbers given should always be current.
- Your child will only be released to a person whose name is listed on the blue card 18 years or older with photo ID.
- It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school of a change of telephone number or address. It is important that we have the most up to date information so we can contact you in an emergency.
- If there is an order of protection or “no contact/no access” for a particular adult, the name of this person has to be clearly written on the blue card and a copy of the order must be on file at the school.
Students are to arrive at school promptly at 8:00am. Arriving late has a tendency to disrupt learning for not only your child but for the other students in the classroom. All students must be signed in or out in our parent/guardian contact book and show ID. Please make every effort to bring your child to school on time.
- For students who do not take the bus, please ensure that you pick your child up no later than the dismissal time. • List any and all adults (18 and over) allowed to pick up your child on the Blue Card.
- Students will not be dismissed to an adult that is not listed on their Blue Card.
- Students will not be released to anyone under the age of 18 or anyone without photo ID.
- If you are planning to pick up your child rather than put them on the bus, please contact the school prior to 1pm to ensure that the teacher/school is notified of this change.
Birthday Celebrations
Birthday celebrations during the school day must be during the student lunch period and pre-arranged with the classroom teacher as well as the unit coordinator. Celebrations cannot impede the academics within the classroom. Please remember that many of our students have dietary restrictions and/or allergies which should be taken into consideration.
School Meals:
Students will be provided breakfast and lunch, however, you may wish to send your child with a lunch from home or snack. If your child has dietary restrictions or food allergies please inform us immediately. If there are allergies in your child’s classroom you will receive notification and we ask that you refrain from sending foods that can affect the health and well-being of students. As per Chancellor’s Regulations, we are unable to heat up any foods.
School Nurses:
Each site has nurses on staff to ensure the health and well-being of our students. Medication can only be administered with orders obtained from your child’s pediatrician. Administration of medication, even over the counter medication, is strictly prohibited in school without an updated medical and doctor’s prescription form on file (504 forms) and updated photo. Medical room personnel/school nurses administer and monitor all medication.
Cell Phone Policy:
Below is a copy of the P771K cell phone policy that aligns to the Chancellor’s regulations. A copy will be sent home to parents to review with their child and sign:
P771K Student Contract for Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices I have read my school’s policy about use of cell phones and other electronic devices, the Discipline Code and the Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
I know that I have a right to be:
- in a safe and supportive learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and bigotry;
- told by my school what is appropriate behavior and what actions may result in disciplinary actions;
- counseled by members of the professional staff when my behavior may have a negative effect on my education and/or welfare at school;
- provided with due process of law in instances of disciplinary action for alleged violation of school rules or the Discipline Code that may result in my suspension or removal from class.
I agree to:
- follow all rules in the Discipline Code; o obey my school’s policy about cell phones and other electronic devices;
- behave respectfully, without arguing, and cooperate when a staff member gives me direction or makes a request, including to turn over my cell phone or electronic device; o refrain from using any cell phones or electronic devices during the school day;
- refrain from taking photos and videos of other students, staff, or school security agents without staff authorization;
- never use my cell phone or other electronic device to “sext” or to intimidate, embarrass, threaten, or bully others;
- never use my cell phone or other electronic device to cheat or help others cheat;
- keep my parents informed about school-related matters and make sure I give them any information sent home.
I understand that:
- I should travel to and from school using safe, familiar routes with good lighting, refrain from using shortcuts through isolated areas, and not display my electronic devices or carry them in a manner that attracts attention while traveling;
- cell phones and electronic devices may not be used during the school day or during school fire drills or other emergency preparedness exercises;
- if I violate my school’s policy or the Discipline Code, my cell phone or other electronic device may be confiscated; o if I use my cell phone or other electronic device to take photos or videos of others without staff authorization, or to bully, threaten, or intimidate others, or to “sext” or cheat, I will be disciplined in accordance with the Discipline Code; o I am not permitted to charge my cell phone or other electronic device at school;
- I assume all responsibility for my cell phone and other electronic devices if I bring them to school. My school is not responsible for stolen, damaged or lost devices.
Discipline Code:
Students will be held accountable for behavior as per the NYC Student Intervention and Bill of Rights & Responsibilities. A copy will be sent home to parents. Students, parents, and school personnel all have a role in making schools safe and must cooperate with one another to achieve this goal. School staff should keep parents informed of their child’s behavior and enlist parents as partners in addressing areas of concern. Outreach to parents can include, but is not limited to, a phone call and/or a written communication. As role models, parents and school staff should exhibit the behaviors that they would like to see students emulate.
Students in standardized classrooms will follow the P771K Power of Choice program where students earn points each period for positive behaviors. Each week, students will have a chance to use those points in our school store.
Emergency Protocols
To ensure the safety of all students and staff, there will be 10 evacuation drills held at each site and two soft lockdown drills. In addition, there are door alarms on all doors except the main entrance. Please ensure when visiting the sites, you use the main entrances and sign in with School Safety and then again in the P771K main office.
Each building has a Building Response Team (BRT) to assist students and staff during emergencies.