
P771K Education with H.E.A.R.T.
Office of Pupil Transportation:
Students are provided with door to door bus service. Buses are provided by OPT. The office of Pupil Transportation will send you notices as to what bus your child will be assigned to.
- In the morning, an adult should wait with the child until the bus arrives and is expected to be there in the afternoon, a child will not be allowed off of the bus without a parent/guardian present.
- Parents/Guardians may contact the OPT HOTLINE at 718-392-8855 or through their main number at 718-784-3313. You must know your child’s OSIS number.
- To report issues or concerns with busing, please call the above number and write down the violation number they provide you with. Please call the school and report this number to our Parent Coordinator, Denise Ramos, so we can ensure the issue is handled properly.
- In the event that your child is absent for more than 3 days, you will need to call the bus company to resume services.