
P771K Education with H.E.A.R.T.
Dear Parents
Below is a Parent Transition Survey regarding the transition planning for your child. We at P771K are asking you to complete, and return this questionnaire as soon as possible. The information you provide will assist us in making upcoming educational plans, which focus on your child’s post-secondary school goals.
Transition planning is a collaborative effort, thought of as an on-going process across multiple school years. The goal is to identify and provide your child with opportunities and necessary supports while they are in school that will lead your child to achieve his/her post-secondary goals for lifelong learning, community participation, and paid work experience.
It is imperative that you and your Son/Daughter be part of their transition planning process. The questions on this form relate to employment, adult living, linkages to services and service providers. Please answer each question carefully, giving specific information related to your child’s needs.
Thank you for your prompt attention and cooperation. Best of luck to you and your child’s future success!