Behavior Expectations

Artwork by children of P771K

P771K Education with H.E.A.R.T.

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Behavior Expectations

Power of Choice

The Power of Choice is a program that educates and encourages our students to reach their optimal potential, socially, emotionally, and academically.

The Power of Choice program is a system that allows you to earn up to 200 points per day, up to 1,000 points per week. You can earn these points each period during the school day. The 24 points that can be earned each period are in the categories of location, self-control, following directions, completing your work, transition and emotional awareness.

Your week starts on Friday and ends the following Thursday with rewards chosen on Friday morning from the school store. Your points are tallied on your weekly point sheet and will be submitted on Thursday afternoon to the crisis intervention teacher and paraprofessional. These sheets are reviewed to assess your progress.


Code of Conduct

Student Responsibility:

  • Students should follow directions when given the first time
  • Students need to be prepared for class on a daily basis, which includes being on time, bringing pencils and notebooks, and completed homework assignments
  • Students must wear appropriate clothing, (no hats, no pants below the waistline, no short-shorts, no midriff tops, etc.)
  • Students must stay in their classrooms at all times
  • Students must have a staff member escort them to and from any area
  • Students must use appropriate language and have lots of fun learning and striving to meet the standards of excellence
  • Students should practice safety at all times by staying away from weapons and dangerous objects