New Admit/Enrollment

P771K Education with H.E.A.R.T.
New Admit/Enrollment
Please contact
D. De Angelis, to confirm accepted placement.
In addition, please begin to fill out enrollment forms and email them to: (P771K at PS 329) at PS 225) (P771K at PS 66) (P771K at PS 236) (P771K at IS14) (P771K at Brooklyn Studio) (P771K at 303/RCHS) (P771K at PS 203)
Enrollment Forms
School Year 2024-2025
You may be required to provide certain forms to enroll your child into a DOE public school program. Please scroll to the bottom of the page to download the ones you need to submit to the program or to a Family Welcome Center.
You can also find the Registration Checklist in the section, Forms for Families and Staff, to learn about the documents you need to provide to register your child at a DOE program.
- New to NYC? Fill out the Housing Questionnaire and provide to your new school or a Family Welcome Center.
- If you're not the primary leaseholder or homeowner where you live, fill out the Parent Affidavit of Residency.
- If you're temporarily taking care of a student but are not their parent or guardian, fill out the Non-Parent Affidavit.
Please note: Forms do NOT need to be notarized. If any form includes a section on notarization, just leave it blank.