DOE Fall 2022 COVID-19 Guidance

P771K Education with H.E.A.R.T.
DOE Fall 2022 COVID-19 Guidance
This guidance provides best practice considerations for schools for the 2022-2023 school year to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among students and staff.
- Vaccination: Vaccination is the best way to reduce COVID-19 risk. Encourage up to date COVID-19 vaccination for everyone six months or older.
- Visit the vaccine finder page(Open external link) or call 877-829-4692 to find a location near you.
- Up to date includes boosters for everyone who is eligible and additional primary shots for some immunocompromised people. See At-A-Glance COVID-19 Vaccination Schedules ( external link).
- Vaccination Requirements:
- Vaccination is still required for all visitors entering school buildings
- Vaccination is still required for all DOE employees
- Vaccination is still required for other individuals who work in DOE buildings
- Vaccination is no longer required to participate in high-risk extracurricular activities including high-risk PSAL sports
- Daily Health Screener:
- No longer required to enter school buildings
- Stay home if sick: Students and staff should stay home if they show any symptoms of COVID-19 or other illnesses and get tested for COVID-19.
- Isolate if COVID-19 positive: Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 5 days and can return to school on day 6 if they have no symptoms or symptoms are improving. They must wear mask until day 10 after symptom onset or date of positive test, whichever is earlier.
- These cases should be reported to their school so they can be report into the sit room for exposure notifications.
- Get tested if exposed to COVID-19: Students and staff who are exposed to COVID-19 should get tested.
- These individuals should receive home tests from their school and take two tests, at least 24 hours apart on day 4 and day 5 of their exposure. All exposed individuals should monitor for fever and other COVID-19 symptoms for 10 days after their exposure. If symptoms begin, they should not attend school and should isolate and get tested for COVID-19 again right away.
- Testing:
- Starting the first day of school, schools will offer home test kits to those with a potential in-school exposure and those with symptoms
- In addition, each staff and student will receive 4 tests per month to take home. These tests can be used by school families for testing due to symptoms, exposures, high-risk activity (such as travel and large gatherings) and can give staff and students immediate results.
- Situation Room:
- Schools will be required to report positive cases of COVID-19 to the situation room.
- The Situation Room will provide schools with standardized communications for their communities and will notify school communities of cases in their schools through daily email and the Daily COVID map.
- Masking- Face coverings are strongly recommended to be worn when indoors.Masks will be made available at the school for all those who need/want them.
- Students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a mask when:
- Returning to school on the sixth day after testing positive for COVID-19, through day 10 after symptom onset or date of positive test, whichever is earlier, including when traveling on a school bus.
- Entering the school medical room, nurse’s office, or school-based health center.
- Exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 at school.
- Students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, are strongly recommended to wear a mask:
- When they were exposed to someone with COVID-19, whether the exposure occurred in school or outside of school. The person should wear a mask for 10 days after their last day of exposure and get tested at least 24 hours apart on day 4 and day 5 of their exposure.
- When they are moderately-to-severely immunocompromised, and masking is recommended by their healthcare provider.
- In crowded indoor settings
- Students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a mask when:
- Ventilation:
- 160K+ air purifiers distributed to schools – at least two in every classroom
- Monitoring ventilation in buildings on a daily basis and perform any required work in a timely manner
- HVAC upgrades in alignment with CDC guidance, including 110,000 MERV-13 filters installed
- School Building Cleaning:
- Routine cleaning of surfaces will be maintained